Browsing Category

Food for thought

God is Love.

Today's Gospel reading (Lk 8,41-56) gives us a deep lecture about the Christian faith and God's mercy. Two people personally approach Jesus. They are united by the fact that each of them is in absolute need. And in both cases, it is…

We too are friends of God

Beloved in Christ, The first Sunday after the Descent of the Holy Spirit is dedicated to All Saints. The holiness of a human life is the most beautiful fruit of the workings of the Holy Spirit.  The Saints are the closest friends of God…

“This is your mother.” (John 19, 27)

Dearly Beloved in Christ! Today as we celebrate Mother's Day, and we all greet and pray for all our Mothers. But Mother’s Day is also an occasion to thank God for our Heavenly Mother and Patroness of our Parish Community. At the…